Recent Water Damage Posts

Water Damage Restoration: DIY vs. Professional Services

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage in a home. Contact us today to learn more about our water damage restoration services and how we can assist you in your time of need.

In the face of water damage, whether from a burst pipe, flooding, or a leaky roof, homeowners often find themselves grappling with the decision of whether to tackle the restoration process themselves or enlist the help of professional services. It's a critical choice that can significantly impact the outcome and the overall cost of the restoration. Here, we'll explore the pros and cons of both DIY water damage restoration and hiring professional services to help you make an informed decision.

DIY Water Damage Restoration

DIY restoration can be tempting, especially for those looking to save money. With numerous online tutorials and guides available, it may seem feasible to take on the task yourself. However, there are several factors to consider before embarking on a DIY restoration project:


  • Cost Savings: One of the most significant advantages of opting for a DIY approach is cost savings. By handling the restoration yourself, you can avoid labor fees associated with hiring professionals.
  • Immediate Action: DIY restoration allows you to take immediate action, which is crucial in preventing further damage to your property. Promptly addressing water damage can mitigate the risk of mold growth and structural issues.


  • Limited Expertise: Without proper training and experience, DIY enthusiasts may overlook hidden water damage or fail to adequately address underlying issues, leading to long-term consequences.
  • Risk of Further Damage: Incorrect restoration techniques or insufficient drying can exacerbate the damage, resulting in additional costs and prolonged restoration efforts.

Professional Water Damage Restoration Services

Enlisting the help of professional water damage restoration services offers numerous benefits, including expertise, efficiency, and peace of mind. Here's why professional assistance may be the optimal choice:


  • Expertise and Experience: Trained professionals possess the knowledge, skills, and specialized equipment necessary to assess the extent of the damage accurately and implement effective restoration techniques.
  • Comprehensive Restoration: Professional services offer a comprehensive approach to water damage restoration, addressing both visible damage and hidden moisture to ensure thorough mitigation and restoration.
  • Insurance Assistance: Many restoration companies work directly with insurance providers, simplifying the claims process and maximizing coverage for homeowners.


  • Higher Cost: Professional services typically come with a higher upfront cost than DIY methods. However, the long-term benefits, including faster restoration and reduced risk of future problems, often outweigh the initial investment.

Ultimately, the decision between DIY water damage restoration and professional services depends on various factors, including the severity of the damage, available resources, and individual capabilities. While DIY may be suitable for minor incidents, severe water damage warrants the expertise and resources of professional restoration services.

At SERVPRO®, we understand the urgency of water damage restoration and the importance of choosing the right approach. With our team of certified professionals and industry-leading equipment, we're committed to delivering efficient, effective, and reliable restoration services to help homeowners restore their properties to pre-damage condition. Contact us today to learn more about our water damage restoration services and how we can assist you in your time of need.

The Difference Between Flood Damage vs. Water Damage

2/13/2024 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a bathroom with flood cuts. Understanding the differences between flood damage and water damage is key to addressing the problem effectively.

Water-related issues in your home can be a headache, but understanding the differences between flood damage and water damage is key to addressing the problem effectively. Let's unravel the distinctions between these two often-confused terms.

1. Source and Scale of Water Invasion

The primary difference lies in the source and scale of water intrusion. Water damage typically stems from internal sources like burst pipes, leaky roofs, or faulty appliances. It's the aftermath of a dishwasher gone rogue or a hidden pipe springing a surprise leak. On the other hand, flood damage involves the infiltration of water from external sources, such as overflowing rivers, heavy rainfall, or storm surges.

2. Duration of Exposure

Another crucial factor is the duration of exposure. Water damage tends to result from shorter-term incidents, often noticed and addressed promptly. In contrast, flood damage involves prolonged exposure to large volumes of water, leading to widespread and, at times, catastrophic consequences.

3. Category of Water

Understanding the water's category is crucial. Water damage is commonly categorized into three types: clean water (Category 1), grey water (Category 2), and black water (Category 3), each varying in contamination level. Flood damage, however, typically involves highly contaminated water (Category 3), posing severe potential risks due to its exposure to external elements and pollutants.

4. Insurance Considerations

Insurance coverage also differs between the two. Water damage is often covered by standard homeowners' insurance, provided it results from a sudden and accidental incident. Flood damage, however, typically requires a separate flood insurance policy, as it involves external and natural events that are excluded from standard coverage.

5. Restoration Approaches

The approaches to restoration vary based on the type of damage. Water damage often calls for efficient extraction, thorough drying, and targeted repairs to affected areas. Flood damage is often way more extensive and usually involves additional measures.

In conclusion, while both flood and water damage share the commonality of causing distress to homeowners, understanding the distinctions is crucial for effective mitigation and restoration. Whether it's a burst pipe or a natural disaster, a swift and appropriate response is key to minimizing damage and restoring your home to its pre-incident state. Remember, a clear understanding of the nature of the water-related issue sets the stage for a successful recovery process.

How Weather Conditions Can Increase Risks of Water Damage

10/10/2023 (Permalink)

Green drying equipment set up on floor. For expert water damage restoration services in the Anaheim area, contact SERVPRO® of Anaheim West today.

Living in Anaheim, CA, means experiencing a variety of weather conditions throughout the year. While the mild climate is enjoyable, it's important to understand how these weather conditions can impact your home's vulnerability to water damage. Being aware of the potential risks associated with specific weather patterns allows you to take proactive steps to protect your property. In this blog, we will dive into the relationship between weather conditions and water damage risks in the Anaheim area, providing you with valuable insights and tips to protect your home.

1. Heavy Rainfall and Flooding

Anaheim experiences its fair share of rainfall, especially during the winter months. Heavy rain can overwhelm drains, creeks, and rivers, leading to flooding in low-lying areas. Take precautionary measures such as ensuring proper yard drainage, clearing gutters and downspouts, and installing flood prevention measures like backwater valves and sump pumps to minimize the risk of water intrusion during these periods.

2. Windstorms and Roof Damage

Strong windstorms, like Santa Ana winds, are a common occurrence in Anaheim. These powerful gusts can cause significant damage to your home, including lifting shingles, damaging flashing, or even tearing off sections of your roof. Regular roof inspections and maintenance, including fixing loose or missing shingles and reinforcing vulnerable areas, are essential in protecting against water leaks that can result from wind damage.

3. Drought and Foundation Issues

Periods of drought can have unexpected consequences on your home's foundation. When the soil in Anaheim dries out excessively, it can shrink and cause foundation settlement or cracks, which, in turn, may lead to water intrusion during rain events. Maintaining proper moisture levels around your foundation by using soaker hoses and ensuring proper grading can help mitigate this risk.

4. Extreme Heat and Plumbing Concerns

Anaheim experiences hot summer temperatures, which can lead to sweating pipes or increased stress on plumbing systems. Over time, this heat-related stress may cause pipes to develop leaks or burst, resulting in significant water damage. Insulating exposed pipes, scheduling regular plumbing inspections, and being mindful of water usage during peak heat can help prevent plumbing failures during periods of extreme heat.

Understanding the impact of weather conditions on water damage risks is essential for Anaheim homeowners. By being proactive and implementing preventive measures, you can minimize the potential damage caused by heavy rainfall, windstorms, drought, and extreme heat. Regular roof maintenance, flood prevention measures, foundation maintenance, and plumbing system maintenance are key factors in protecting your home and ensuring its resilience against water damage. If water damage does occur, contact the water damage restoration professionals at SERVPRO® of Anaheim West for prompt and reliable assistance.

For expert water damage restoration services in the Anaheim area, contact SERVPRO® of Anaheim West today. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to your water damage emergencies and help restore your property back to preloss condition.

How to find your main water shutoff valve

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

If you're like most homeowners, you've probably wondered how to turn off your water line. You may have even considered calling a plumber to find out where it's located and if they can help you shut it off temporarily while working on some project that requires shutting off the water supply. Before doing this however, there are several steps to take which can save time and money without having to call an expensive professional!

Check your water meter.

When you notice a leak, check the water meter to see if it's running. This will help you determine where the leak is coming from and how much water is being wasted.

If you want to know how much money your family is spending on water each month, check the meter every couple weeks. That way, when someone uses too much hot water or leaves an appliance turned on too long in a room that doesn't need it. Look for a main shut-off valve.

Look for a main shut-off valve. The main water shut-off valve is usually located near the street, so if you're having trouble finding it, look around your house for any pipes that may lead to it. If there are none, check with neighbors or ask them if they have ever seen one nearby. If all else fails, look at your water meter, it should be located on an exterior wall in plain sight and can usually be identified by its large size.

If there's no main shut off valve or meter available and this isn't something you're comfortable doing yourself (you might want to call an expert), then try looking for an underground pipe coming out of the ground nearby--this could indicate where a buried pipe runs under your property to deliver water from city services into houses like yours!

Check the water meter if you don't see a main shutoff valve.

If you don't see a main shutoff valve, check the water meter. It will be on the outside of your home and has two numbers: one that shows how much water has been used over time, and another for how much is currently being used. If you see that number rising quickly or not moving at all, turn off all faucets and toilets in your house (except for one bathroom sink that can be left running). Then call a plumber immediately!

Follow Utilities

Find the water meter by following your utility lines in back of your home and look for any small boxes on the side of the house. If you don't see a main shutoff valve, look for a water meter instead.

If you're lucky enough to have one installed in your yard (this is most common with older homes), then this should make things easy! The main shutoff valve will usually be located near where all of the plumbing lines come together before entering into your home's foundation or basement wall. It may be labeled as "Meter," "Water Main" or something similar.

Once you locate the meter, it's likely that there will be a pipe coming out of it that goes up to the street or sidewalk. After this pipe comes from the meter, there should be an elbow fitting that is attached to another pipe in front of your house leading up to the foundation wall or basement floor. It may be possible to find a valve that regulates flow into one of these pipes inside your home. This can include a valve under a kitchen sink in some cases or on a side wall of your basement or crawlspace in others.

When you need to replace a water line, it's important to know where your main shutoff valve is. The main shutoff valve is the one that controls all of your home's water supply. If you don't know where this valve is located and how to turn it off, then you could end up with some pretty expensive damage if something goes wrong during installation or repair work.

Finding where to turn off your water line when you need to replace it can save you time and money. Give SERVPRO of Anaheim West a call for your water damage emergency. Our technicians are available 24/7.

Things to consider before installing a Fire Sprinkler System

2/9/2023 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler systems are an effective way to prevent fire damage, but there are some things to know before installing them. The fire sprinkler system can decrease the damage from a fire and help protect your home or business from fire damage. It is important to know even though it might save your property from fire damage, you could potentially have water damage as a result of system use.

Fire sprinkler systems are effective

Fire sprinkler systems can help prevent fire damage. A fire sprinkler system is composed of a series of pipes and valves that connect together in a network throughout a building. When the temperature inside reaches a certain level, water is released from these pipes throughout your property.

In addition to their ability to stop flames from spreading too far beyond their starting point, these systems also have other advantages such as increasing safety for people who may be inside the structure if a fire was to break out.

The fire sprinkler system can decrease the damage from a fire

Generally speaking, a fire sprinkler system can do exactly what it says, it can slow or stop a fire from spreading and reduce the damage caused by the flames. When you have a fire sprinkler system installed in your home or workplace, there's one thing that you can be sure of, if there is a fire or smoke the sprinklers will go off.

You will need a lot of space in your attic for the pipes

When installing a fire sprinkler system in your business, you will need to have pipes located in the attic. The pipes will be connected to a water source and also connect to the fire sprinkler system. A valve may also be installed in order for you or someone else to shut off the water flow if there is an issue with your piping or plumbing system.

Deciding whether or not a fire 

Deciding whether or not a fire sprinkler system will work for you is an important step in preparing for any future emergencies you may encounter. There are several factors that need to be considered when deciding on the type of system that's best for your home.

  • The size of your home - You'll need to know how large your home is in order to determine whether or not it's necessary for you to install a sprinkler system, which can be costly and time consuming.
  • Location of water supply - The location of your water supply will determine how far away from the sprinkler heads the pipes would have to go in order for them to reach all areas of the house where there might be a fire emergency.

If you’re still unsure about whether or not installing a fire sprinkler system is right for your home or business, consider contacting an expert who can help guide you through the process! This system could help save your home or business from a fire.

The 3 Categories of Water Damage

12/29/2022 (Permalink)

The 3 Categories of Water Damage

Water damage is a common and potentially costly problem that can affect homes and businesses. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, faulty plumbing, and leaks in the roof or walls. Understanding the different categories of water damage can help you identify the source of the problem, assess the extent of the damage, and determine the best course of action for repair and restoration.

There are three main categories of water damage:

  1. Category 1 (clean water): This type of water damage is caused by clean, clear water that does not pose a health risk. Examples include water from a broken supply line or a leaky faucet. This type of water damage is generally easier to clean up and repair, as it does not contain contaminants or bacteria.
  2. Category 2 (gray water): This type of water damage is caused by water that has become slightly contaminated, but is not yet considered black water. Examples include water from a washing machine overflow or a toilet with a clean water supply. This type of water damage may require more extensive cleaning and disinfection, as it may contain bacteria or other contaminants.
  3. Category 3 (black water): This type of water damage is caused by water that is heavily contaminated. Examples include floodwater, sewage, and water from a backed-up drain. Black water may contain bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances, and should be handled with caution.

Category 1

Examples of sources of category 1 water damage include a broken supply line, a leaky faucet, or a small leak in the roof or walls. In these cases, the water is typically clean and does not pose a health risk, although it can still cause damage to building materials and personal property.

If you suspect that you have category 1 water damage, it's important to take action as soon as possible to prevent further damage. The first step is to identify and stop the source of the water, whether it's a broken pipe or a leaky roof. Next, you'll want to remove any standing water and dry out the affected area. This can be done using fans, dehumidifiers, and other drying equipment.

Category 2

Examples of sources of category 2 water damage include a washing machine overflow, a toilet with a clean water supply, or a dishwasher leak. In these cases, the water may contain bacteria or other contaminants, but it is not as heavily contaminated as black water.

Once the area is dry, you'll need to clean and disinfect the affected area to prevent the growth of bacteria and other contaminants. This may involve using special cleaning agents and following recommended guidelines for cleaning and disinfection.

Category 3

Examples of sources of category 3 water damage include floodwater, sewage, and water from a backed-up drain. In these cases, the water is heavily contaminated and poses a serious health risk to those who come into contact with it.

If you suspect that you have category 3 water damage, it's important to take extreme caution to protect your safety. You should not attempt to clean up or repair the damage yourself, as it is likely that special equipment and expertise are required to safely address the problem.

It's important to identify the category of water damage in order to determine the appropriate course of action for repair and restoration. Category 1 and 2 water damage can usually be cleaned up and repaired relatively easily, while category 3 water damage may require professional cleanup and restoration services. Regardless of the type of water damage, it's important to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage and to protect the health and safety of those in the affected area.

Wet Items Care After Water Damage

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

Wet Items Care After Water Damage

When you have a water loss in your Anaheim, CA home, you will want to know how to clean up and save items that have been damaged. The level of contamination a room receives will determine what precautions should be taken. If the water is contaminated with sewage, do not attempt to clean it yourself. Some items can be cleaned, others should be dried and cleaned, and some are just not worth saving from an insurance standpoint.

If your home has a water loss, you will want to know how to clean up and save items that have been damaged.

When a flood or other water damage occurs in your home, you may be left wondering how to clean up the mess and salvage damaged items. Here are some tips for how to clean up after a flood:

  • Remove all wet materials from the area as soon as possible. This includes rugs, carpets, clothes and more.
  • Use fans or dehumidifiers in the room being cleaned out to remove any remaining moisture from walls and furniture. This will prevent mold from growing on these surfaces.
  • Spray down or wipe down any hardwood floors with vinegar mixed with warm water until they are completely dry before walking on them again—this will prevent warping of wood flooring due to excess moisture in its fibers when wet (such as hardwood floors).

The level of contamination a room receives will determine what precautions should be taken.

If the water is only contaminated with dirt, you can clean it yourself. If the water was just sewage or sewage mixed with dirt, you should hire a professional like SERVPRO of Anaheim West.

If the water is contaminated with sewage, do not attempt to clean it yourself.

If you are not sure whether the water was contaminated with sewage, it is best to contact a company that specializes in water damage restoration and can make an assessment.

Some items can be cleaned, others should be dried and cleaned, and some are just not worth saving from an insurance standpoint.

You may have heard that you can save almost anything if it's been submerged in water. This isn't necessarily true, and it depends on the type of water damage.

  • Some items can be cleaned, others should be dried and cleaned, and some are just not worth saving from an insurance standpoint. If your item is damaged due to exposure to floodwater or sewage, it will likely need to be thrown away. In addition, any items that were exposed to contaminated ground or other debris should also be discarded.
  • Some items that haven't been damaged but have had contact with floodwater or sewage should still be thrown away as well because they've been exposed to mold spores (which could grow later). These include soft furnishings like pillows and cushions; books; shoes; clothing; curtains etc.,
  • Other items such as electronics can usually still function even after being exposed to water (if the electricity hasn't gone out), but if they do get wet at all then you'll want them dried out as soon as possible so they don't short-circuit! It's important not let these types of devices sit around because mold can start growing inside them very quickly if left untouched for too long.

Many water-damaged items can be salvaged if they are cleaned quickly before they begin to mold or mildew

If your items have not been damaged by water, they can be salvaged.

When an item has been damaged by water and is not salvageable, it should be thrown away.

Some items cannot be salvaged at all and need to be disposed of immediately after a flood or leak.

When there is a water loss, it is important to clean the items properly and quickly. If you don’t, they may become contaminated with bacteria or mold and mildew which can cause health problems for you and your family. It is also important to know that some items are not worth saving as they have been damaged beyond repair and/or have reached their expiration date.

A Quick Guide To Fixing Leaking Toilets

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

A Step-By-Step Guide To Repairing Leaking Toilets

If you experience a leaking toilet in your home, you can either fix the problem yourself or hire a plumber to handle the task for you. Whichever you choose, the matter needs to be rectified fast before sewage seeps out and ruins your floor, walls or cabinetry, thus requiring the rebuilding services of a water damage restoration expert. The following guide can help prevent this scenario from unfolding in your restroom.

Leaky Toilet Causes

A number of concerns are known triggers for bathroom leak disasters. Some of the most common include:

  • Worn out flappers
  • Loose base seals
  • Cracks in the tank or bowl
  • Rusty pipes

Those fearful of fixing a leaking toilet on their own must immediately seek professional assistance.

Leaky Toilet Fixes

If rusty pipes or a crack in the bowl or tank is not the cause of your leak, grab a wrench and use it to disconnect the shutoff valve from the supply tube. Drain the toilet before removing the caps that cover the closet bolts and taking off the hex nuts. Instead of grabbing your toilet by the tank, hold it firmly around the bowl as you carry it onto a sheet of cardboard or blanket you feel comfortable discarding.

Your following mission is to scrape off the old gasket from the closet flange. Once the screws securing it have been loosened, hook on the repair strap underneath. Next comes replacing the wax gasket, which has to be centered precisely on top of the flange.

Connect the water supply tube to the fill-valve shank located at the base of the tank. Compress the gasket by pressing down on the bowl. Repeat this action after replacing the bolts. With a hacksaw built for close-quarter usage, trim the bolts and then tighten them. After replacing the caps, you only need to reconnect the supply tube to the shutoff valve and then reopen it.

Whenever you discover a leaking toilet in Anaheim, CA, urgent attention becomes necessary. Hiring a plumber or closely following the preceding steps means you should have a properly functioning commode in no time.

3 Useful Tips for Flushing Your Water Heater

3/6/2022 (Permalink)

3 Proven Methods For Flushing A Water Heater

Keeping up with the maintenance of your Anaheim, CA, residence can seem like a nuisance. However, there are some quick and painless chores you should do around the house to prevent far more expensive repairs down the road. One of these chores is completing a water heater, which only requires a small number of tools and an even smaller amount of your time. Here are three useful steps to help you commit to flushing your heater, saving yourself stress and costly expenses in the future.

1. Shut off your heater and set up a necessary drainage area.

To start, it’s important that you begin by shutting off your heater, whether through extinguishing the pilot light on your gas heater or flipping the line on your circuit breaker for an electric heater. Following this, you should then connect a garden hose to your heater’s drain valve and direct the loose end towards an area that won’t be affected by any sediment buildup or warm water that’s about to be flushed out.

2. Drain your water heater thoroughly.

Once you’re ready to start the process, open the drain valve and let the water within the machine flow out. Next, turn your kitchen faucet to hot water to help guide the heater’s water out smoothly and effectively. Finally, you should continuously shut the water valve off and on, leaving a few minutes in between to thoroughly clean and drain the heater.

3. After completing the cleanse, firmly close the valves and turn the water supply back on.

Keep an eye on your kitchen faucet to determine when all of the air pockets have been pushed through and the flow of water is streamlined again. After the tank is full, you can return power or reignite the pilot light, turn off the kitchen faucet and the process is complete.

If you should come across any leaks or mishaps with your Anaheim, CA, home’s water heater, be sure to contact experienced water repair specialists to come to fix the issue before it becomes worse.

What To Do When a Pipe Breaks in Your Home

1/1/2022 (Permalink)

What To Do If A Pipe In Your House Bursts

When a pipe breaks leading to a flood in your Southwest Anaheim, CA, home you may wonder what the best course of action is. Fortunately, there are a few steps many experts recommend that you can follow. Here are a few things you can take do to get any flooding cleaning up and your home restored.

1. Start Clean Up As Soon As Possible

As soon as you find flooding or water damage it’s best to start the cleanup process as soon as you can. A water damage restoration service can help with this process. Water should be removed completely and the area fully dried. If the damage was from grey or back water then the area will need to be sanitized as well. Once the area is dry then damage assessment can begin.

2. Assess the Damage

After the flood water is removed and the area dried, it will be easier to properly assess the damage. Depending on the type and duration of the flooding, you may want to test the area for mold growth. It’s also important to look for areas where the water could have caused structural damage, and wall as any place it could have seeped into. If you have questions a professional can help.

3. Begin the Restoration Process

Once you know what parts of the damaged area can be repaired and which need to be replaced, the restoration process can begin. In many cases insurance coverage will include the cost of repairs, so long as the water damage resulted from nature, or a sudden accident. Typically, water damage from neglect will not be covered.

When dealing with a flood in your home it’s important to get the water cleaned up as quickly as possible. Remember, a professional can help fix broken pipe issues if needed, and a restoration service can take care of repairs. If dealt with quickly you can help save your home from further water damage.